sábado, 21 de julho de 2018
Aula 10
Holometabola: Mecopterida
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjatw2xz31dqal2/Aula10_Insecta_2018_HolometabolaMecopterida.pdf?dl=0
Dicas de Leitura:
Beutel, R.G. & Pohl, H. 2006. Endopterygote systematics – where do we stand and what is
the goal (Hexapoda, Arthropoda)? Systematic Entomology, 31, 202–219.
Beutel et al. 2009. Resolving insect phylogeny: The significance of cephalic structures of the Nannomecoptera in understanding endopterygote relationships. Arthropod Structure & Development 38, 427–460.
Rainford, J.L. et al. 2014. Phylogenetic Distribution of Extant Richness Suggests Metamorphosis Is a Key Innovation Driving Diversification in Insects. PLoS ONE 9(10): e109085. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109085
Fonte: Rainford, J.L. et al. 2014
Aula 9
Holometabola: Neuropteroidea
Dica de leitura:
Peter, R.S. et al. 2014. The evolutionary history of holometabolous insects inferred from transcriptome-based phylogeny and comprehensive morphological data. BMC Evolutionary Biology,14:52. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-14-52
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